What training is required for adults?  Employees, etc.

Sexual Abuse Awareness Training – Adults

All employees of the Hartford Roman Catholic Diocesan Corporation, and any other Personnel of the Archdiocese who have contact with Minors and/or Vulnerable Adults, must attend the Sexual Abuse Awareness Training which the Archdiocese of Hartford has selected to meet the criteria established in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Any Personnel of the Archdiocese who completed training in a different diocese must submit proof of attendance from that diocese’s Sexual Abuse Awareness Training.  Proof of completion of such training will satisfy the requirements of the Archdiocese of Hartford.

Training to fulfill a requirement for any other organization (i.e. Scouting, State Police, Teachers, etc.) will not be accepted as training for the Archdiocese of Harford.  The Sexual Abuse Awareness Training must have been completed in the Archdiocese of Hartford, other arch/diocese, or eparchy to fulfill the requirement from another archdiocese, diocese or eparchy.

Personnel of the Archdiocese, who are attending the selected Sexual Abuse Awareness Training for the first time, in order to meet the requirements of the Charter, must attend the specifically approved training program of the Archdiocese of Hartford.

All Priests, Deacons, Principals, Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education and Facilitators of the Sexual Abuse Awareness Training Programs, are responsible for continuing education.

Records of Sexual Abuse Awareness Training will be kept permanently.

  • What does the training entail?
    • Three hour mandatory session conducted by an employee of the Office of Safe Environment or a trained facilitator. The Archdiocese currently uses the Virtus: Protecting God’s Children for Adults program.
  • What is the expectation of the AOH regarding the monthly on line training?
    • It is expected that all Priests, Deacons, Principals, DRE/CREs and Virtus Facilitators read the monthly bulletins provided by Virtus.
2019-01-18T14:05:23+00:00January 18th, 2019|